Digital advocacy campaign

In the spring of 2019, I used PFT’s new digital advocacy tools from The Action Network to generate letters to Oregon legislators, specifically to help pass a groundbreaking climate bill. This bill, HB 2020, would make Oregon the second state after California to put a cap on carbon regardless of sector (aside from a few last-minute exemptions put in to reduce opposition).

PFT sent roughly one dedicated message per month on this campaign in addition to the usual messaging stream. In February 2019, PFT introduced the bill; in April, PFT gave an update and asked people to urge their legislators to strengthen the bill; in May and June, PFT targeted people who are represented by members of the committees the bill was in.

I was careful to ensure the suggested tweets and Facebook posts mention PFT and key hashtags. PFT was working as part of a coalition of groups in Oregon to make climate history; my work elevated its role with PFT’s constituents, partner groups, and legislators by delivering quantifiable results for the first time (if modest, based on the size of PFT’s list).

Though the bill was held up at the end of the regular session, it was very close to passage and it’s clear that this work helped move Oregon closer to enacting meaningful climate action. In 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed an executive order that included some of the goals in HB 2020 and subsequent climate legislation.