PFT annual report

Cover of the PFT 2018 Annual Report As Communications Manager at PFT, I wroted and managed the production of two annual reports (three, if you include the one within the Spring 2020 issue of Forest Life).

PFT completed its 2018 Annual Report in early June 2019. I managed the project, worked with PFT’s President to outline the report, wrote and edited the final copy, and served as the main contact with the printer (Leewood Press) and the graphic designer, the great Annabelle Ison of Ison Design, with whom I’ve worked for 15 years at two different organizations. My colleagues assisted in proofreading, assembling the mailing list, and working with the mailhouse.

For the online version of the 2018 Annual Report, I modified the existing template to visually reinforce the printed piece as well as to emphasize social sharing.

Cover of the PFT 2018 Annual Report